Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Happiness -- and a few flubs along the way.

Thanksgiving is very special to our family. It was doubly so this year, as we will not be all together for Christmas. So, I had set my heart on accomplishing several things to help make it a happy time for all of us.

Well, wouldn't you know that I struggled along at half-mast with a cold the week before Thanksgiving. That failed to dampen my enthusiasm. However, I got sicker just on the day our married children were arriving in town, and, for some reason, along with getting worse physically, I became overly sensitive emotionally. I continued to get worse and worse physically through the weekend. My husband was in recovery from the same illness, and our married daughter also struggled with the same cold?/flu? bug.

I learned some things in the process:

1) I was trying too intensely for everything to be perfect, I became upset with little things, such as not having saran wrap on hand to carry the several dishes of food my daughters and I had prepared for an extended family weekend. Yes, I should have made sure that I had some on hand instead of taking my store of wrappings for granted. However, this little thing was a minor annoyance and not the dramatic failure as a wife and mother that my cold-ravaged brain took it to be. I kid you not -- I had a day and a half when my emotions would go there for a few seconds whenever anything happened that wasn't according to how I had pictured things would be.
2) I have a great husband who helped me see that I was striving too hard in my own power to try to make the holiday fun for everyone instead of just trusting the Lord and being who I am in the Lord. After all, my children traveled many hours to see us and family and friends, and they needed my happy company more than we all needed Saran wrap.
3) I also have great kids, who did notice little changes I have made in the household in order to bring them comfort. Also, they were great to be around and really did come to enjoy my company rather than to seek the perfect holiday. They jumped in and helped out when I was sick.
4) I have a great God, who is not only perfect, but full of grace and mercy.

So, I relaxed, and we had a wonderful holiday together, despite the fact that a good portion of the household was sneezing, coughing, and trying to communicate with hoarse voices. It was just plain old wonderful to be around each other, no matter what the circumstances.

Hope you had a wonderful time, as well.



suzannah | the smitten word said...

a lovely is such a temptation to become overwhelmed by the details. glad it all worked out and hope everyone is healthy now!

Mimi said...

Hi Susannah:

Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, God was gracious, and we had a lovely time.