Thursday, September 04, 2008

Off to dear son's wedding tomorrow!

(Obviously, this is not a picture of my son and his fiancee, but a photo from the movie, "Sense and Sensibility". )

We're traveling to the city where my son and his fiancee are getting married, and we're bringing my 88 year old father with us. Since I am an only child, my children are his only grandchildren. So, he's quite proud of our son and heartily approves of his choice of bride. Despite some health issues, he wouldn't miss this for anything!

Our son is living and working in the city where I spent many of my growing up years. DH and I met and married there, but we have haven't lived there since. So, it's kind of fun to have a child who is getting married in the same place where DH and I started our love story. And, DH and I have lived for many years now in the town where my parents met and married! It's interesting how God weaves things together; isn't it?

Another happy connection is that my daughter's husband's family and my son's fiancee's family have known each other since before both of them were born. In fact, the two sets of parents used to joke about the possibility they might get married someday. Instead, they each married into our family:) So, we feel as if we have a very special bond with our new in-laws already!

We all have friends and families from several towns, including the one where we now live, who are traveling to the wedding this weekend. We're all looking forward to the festivities.


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