Thursday, February 14, 2008

And the Award Goes to...

Sandi was kind enough to give my little blog an award for excellence.

However, with this happy award comes the responsibility to tag 10 more people with an award for excellence. With all of the wonderful blogs out there, it's hard to choose just ten. And, I'm always afraid I will leave some great blogger out. Also, some of the excellent blogs I read have a following, and people already know those are fabulous.

Plus, I wander all over the home and family and craft corner of the blog-o-sphere without leaving a bread crumb trail to find my way back. So, I know I've visited some excellent little niches out there and haven't a clue how to get in touch with them again.

And, I hope everyone understands that just because I cite a blog as being excellent, that doesn't mean that I endorse everything written by the author.

Am I making this way too complicated, or what? :)

Anyhow, I'm on a mission to find ten excellent blogs that are either new to me or that I haven't mentioned on my own site lately and to which I will pass on this award:

Here goes:

1) Rebekah's sewing diary
How about some sewing inspiration?
2) Allisons in Afghanistan
living out their faith, loving those in need
3) A Thing for Roses
(I know y'all are shocked that I would include a blog by a person who has a thing for roses -- mostly pink roses -- and all things pretty. Not!!)
4. Pink Roses
More pink! More Roses!
5) A Tour of my Garden
Real Roses! Alas, this blog is no longer being updated, but I have to attribute some degree of excellence to anyone who has 420 rose bushes in their backyard!
6. Sundrenched Moments
Ok, I did mention this one recently. But, I'm enjoying the blog's creative and domestic inspiration.
7 Diary of a Sewing Fanatic
More sewing inspiration
8.) Stiches and Seams
sewing again
9) Southern Somedays
A fellow G.R.I.T.S.
10) The Paris Apartment
eye candy for those of us who love French style




Michelle Maddocks said...

Did you know that your blog is advertising for singles?

Mimi said...

No, I didn't. I'll have to check into that.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Elizabeth - thank you so much for nominating my blog and enjoying my ramblings! I am truly humbled!

Rebekah said...

Thank you for nominating my sewing blog for the "excellent" award, Elizabeth! It was very sweet of you to mention me!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Elizabeth, you throroughly deserve your award for excellence


Sarah x

Mimi said...

Hi Carolyn and Rebekah,

I'm glad I found your excellent blogs.

Mimi said...

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for your kind thoughts.