Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Overview of Bible -- Part II

Snapshots of Jesus:

Hebrews 1:1-3 -- Jesus is God's ultimate communication with mankind, with us. God, an all-powerful and all-loving Father sent Jesus, His Son, as the perfect representation of who He is.
Jesus is the unique Son of God -- fully God and fully man. God came to earth in the flesh so that we could come to know Him. see also John 1:1, 14

Colossians 2:9 All the fullness of God lives in Jesus Christ. This means, at least in part, that every aspect of God's character can be found in Jesus. Reading through any of the Gospels, the four books that describe Jesus' life and words, will give you insight into God's character and his will for your life.

Mark 1:14-20 Jesus preached the good news and called men to follow Him.
Mark 1:21-22. Jesus was an amazing teacher whose words were spoken with authority.
Mark 1:23-28 Jesus cast out demons, showing that the power of God was present in Him.
Mark 1:29-31 Jesus met people's needs and healed the sick.
Mark 1:32-34 Jesus focused his attention on others and selflessly gave of Himself.
Mark 1:35 Jesus was dependent upon God in prayer for His strength and direction. (See Luke 11:1-4) Jesus prayed and taught his disciples to pray. He showed us that the power of prayer is not in the repetition of words, but in the heartfelt talk with our Father in Heaven.
Mark 1:36-39: Jesus was consumed with His mission to preach the good news.
Mark 1:40-42 -- Jesus was filled with compassion for all people.
Mark 10: 32-24,45 Jesus came to serve and give His perfect life as a ransom for sinners. As predicted, He was rejected by His people and crucified -- but He rose from the dead three days later.
Matthew 1:21; Luke 19:10; Jesus came to seek and save us from our sins and bring us into a relationship with the Father.
Matthew 3:2; Matthew 4:17; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 6:10; Matthew 6:33; Matthew 9:35; Matthew 10:7; Luke 4:43; Luke 18:17; John 18:36; Acts 1:3 -- Jesus teachings were laced with his passion for the Kingdom of God; he continually preached the good news of the Kingdom. These are just a few verses that demonstrate that.
I John 2:3-6; Phil. 2:1-14; John 14:21; Ephesians 5:1-2 Knowing Jesus is not just an intellectual exercise. The goal of the Christian is to obey his commands and become more and more like Him: to think like Jesus, to act like Jesus, to live like Jesus. We want to imitate Jesus' heart in the way He loved God and people. We want to walk with Him and to really know Him, not just know facts about Him.
John 14:6 Jesus claimed to be the way, not a way. He claimed to be the truth, not one truth among many. He said he was the life, not just a better life. How important is it that we put our faith, our trust, our obedience in Jesus? Acts 4:12 -- No one will come to the Father unless they come to Him through Jesus.


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