First Day of School!
Well, really, it's more like summer camp. So, get ready to have fun and learn some things in the process!
Today is the first day of our online Finishing School. Emma tells me that she will have the first post of our school published by this evening! So, if you visit her site today, but you don't see anything up yet, do not worry. Just check back tonight.
Again, here is the link to Emma's site: http://charmingthebirdsfromthetrees.blogspot.com
Emma will start us off with a discussion of our personal presentation -- grooming, posture, etc. Those of you who are familiar with her site, Charming the Birds from the Trees, know that she has a passion for bringing loveliness into our homes and into our daily lives.
I can't wait to read what Emma has to say, as this is one area where I need to spruce up a little.
In the meantime, I have it on my to-do list today to tend to give myself a pedicure (It's sandal time!) and to curl my hair. I have been letting my hair go. I have sort of a "wash-and-wear" do, which is ok, if I make the effort to fluff it into place. But, tonight, I want to look a little special.
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