The Classes Are Underway!
Personal Presentation
Emma started us off today with two lovely posts about personal presentation. In the first one, she asked us to think about whether we project feminine loveliness and strength. In the second one, she talked about health as an important building block to our personal presentation. I'm so glad that Emma reminded us to think about these things.
I especially needed a little prodding when it comes to taking care of dh's and my health. We set out at the beginning of the year to work on our health. For various reasons, including a severe illness in our extended family, our usual routine has gotten knocked a little off course, and, if anything, we have gone backwards! So, I need to be creative and disicplined in thinking of ways to help us eat more healthfully, to exercise, and to get rest and relaxation.
It's not too late to jump in! Here's Emma's link:
Next week, we'll take a little break due to U.S. Independence Day. In keeping with our subject, however, I will do some posts regarding ladies from American history.
Then, the next week, since it will be Bastille Day in France, I will blog about how French culture has influenced art, house styles and furnishings, etc. I'll also talk us step by step through preparing a simple French meal. And, I'll talk about why it was so imporant in Finishing Schools of the past for women to learn about other languages and cultures, particularly French. So, join me back here during July 8-14 for our second "class".
Our third teacher will be none other than Julieann, who will teach us how to bake some romantic and feminine little goodies. We'll give you further information about how to find her blog and the rest of the teachers' blogs.
This sounds wonderful!
Hi Pam,
I hope you enjoy the classes.
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