Monday, January 21, 2008

Ta Da! I finally Did it...

It's true. After driving poor hubby crazy with mountains of paint chips, I finally settled on province Blue Province for my kitchen and Cheshire Gold for the living room. (These are actually Glidden colors, but...shh...don't tell the nice Glidden people that I had the colors matched in Behr. Behr was offering a rebate for MLK weekend.)

I'm using fabrics and other items to tie the colors together into a country French scheme, since you can see one room from the other.

Who knew how challenging selecting a blue paint and a golden yellow paint could be so challenging! There are so many shades and tints of both. And, then there's the "what will it actually look like when dry and in mass quantities on my wall" question.

Also, as I had been working toward greens for many years, I had forgotten how many little green details we have in our house -- as in kitchen throw rugs for example. It's all coming together, though. I was ready for a change.

Our walls were ready for a change, too, as they are a dull neutral that is beyond touching up after 7 years of wear and tear. It's interesting that our living room has been painted pale brick (peachy pink) for almost that long, and it looks as fresh as the day that the paint went on. I don't think that the paint the builders used was of great quality, as it is very hard to clean without washing it off. Then again, it could just be that the richer color in the dining room just doesn't show marks.

We don't have a lot of time in our schedules or money in our budget for redecorating, so I know that I need to count on living with my choices for a while. I think that was one reason why it took me a while to think through exactly what I wanted.

DH devoted all weekend to painting, and we are now in the process of moving everything back into place. I am very happy with my choices. The colors just make me feel happy!

Now, on to fabrics....



Meredith said...

Sounds great! As you know I *love* the combination of warm yellow and cool blue.

Mimi said...

Yep. You can't beat yellow and blue. There was a time when I didn't use much blue in my decorating. But, I loved it as a child, and, for some reason, I'm really drawn to it again.

Anonymous said...

I have yellow walls throughout the house (very open floor plan) and I love it, but you're right, it's hard to choose the right one.

I am just about to order 2 blue sofas - the fabric is called "wedgewood." I love yellow and blue and white and red, all mixed together. All shades work well together. Green would also be lovely - which is why I love yellow walls! They go with bunches of color schemes.
Enjoy and be happy!