In fact, we have a delightful class coming up this week. Sherry is going to lead us in a handwork project or two. She has graciously volunteered to teach us ribbon embroidery. Note, this is a bit different than cotton embroidery. So, Sherry will guide us every step of the way. You can choose to make something to embroider or buy something and add the embroidery as a decorative feature
In the nineteenth century and before, every educated woman could do a little decorative handwork. This was often in addition to sewing skills that were needed for survival. In Gone with the Wind, it's mentioned that Scarlett O'Hara's mother seldom sat down without her sewing box and a sewing assistant at hand. If just family members were gathered together, she worked on mending. If company was present, she worked on a purely decorative project.
In days past, girls usually learned the basics at their mother's knee. We've all seen lovely old samplers that girls did to practice their needlework skills. Those who had the privilege of receiving an education also took classes in different types of handwork in order to improve their skills.
So, whether you already do a lot of handwork, if you never have and want to learn, or if you just want to read about the subject, please take a look at Sherry's site. If you are like me, you may have a busy week lined up. If so, you read the posts every day and then follow the instructions at your leisure. Her posts will eventually be archived along with the rest of the Finishing School Posts, but it's so delightful to read the classes on each teacher's own blog.
The name of Sherry's site is Redbud's Lane.
The link for her first post is http://redbudslane.blogspot.com/2007/08/ladies-finishing-school-its-my-turn.html .
While you're at Sherry's, check out her photo of beautiful satin boudoir shoes with silk ribbon embroidery that were made in the 1920's!
You all know my lack of linking skills. I do have someone who has volunteered to teach me how, and I hope we'll be able to get together this week for me to learn it. In the meantime, if you have trouble linking to her site from mine, I'm sure Emma can post the link on her site.
See you at Sherry's for class!
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