Sunday, August 13, 2006

A few of my favorite blog titles

As a writer, I love great titles. As a romantic soul, I love cheerful titles. So, I thought I'd list seven delicious blog titles. Just reading these titles makes me happy:

1. Echo from the Green Hills.
2. The Bluebird of Happiness Comes to Tea (I could also give Wendy Birde kudos for "The Soup Simmers, the Body Mends", but let's just stick to one blog title per person).
` 3. The Sparrow's Nest
4. Mrs. Blythe (Ok, this is not the title of her blog; it's her pen name. Still, I saw a link to "Mrs. Blythe", and I couldn't resist following it.
5. Quilting Above the Artic Circle
6. Little French Homestead
7. Like Merchant Ships

Concerning the Importance of Good Titles: Did you know that Margaret Mitchel considered these titles for her novel -- "Tomorrow is Another Day," "Not in Our Stars," "Bugles Sang True" and "Tote the Weary Load"? Hmm...I just can't imagine it as anything other than "Gone with the Wind."



wendybirde said...

I feel the same way about your title Elizabeth! It's one of the sweetest ones I've ever heared and it brings a warm smile to my face. Its more than that though, its that it puts words to something precious---because it really is as the keeper of our homes that we bloom (says Wendy Birde as she is still in the middle of moving and home searching, lol)

Isabella in the 21st Century said...

I'm so glad you like the title of my blog. I'm really enjoying reading your with my morning tea!