More Q&A about the finishing school for ladies
Dear ladies,
Thank you all so much for your enthusiastic response to Emma's and my little idea. I will be answering each and every one of your comments individually. But, in the meantime, I wanted to cover a few questions that have come up:
1) Will there be a separate link/blogger page where all of the articles can be accessed.
Yes, that is the plan. However, you will also be able to read the posts at each teacher's week when it is her week to teach.
2) What if I don't have a blog? How will I stay in the loop?
If you can log onto the Internet, you can read the posts. Emma and I will post the schedule and the links to each teacher's blogs on our blogs. You can use that link to keep up with the schedule. If you wish to comment on a subject, you can usually do so anonymously, no matter what host service the blogger uses. So, chime in the discussion if you want to, and don't worry about it if you don't have a blog. Also, we hope to gather everything onto a special page just for this "finishing school" as well.
3) I already have so much to do and some days I feel like I can't get it all done. If I participate, will I be expected to meet some "idealistic" human-made standard of "ladyhood"?
Absolutely not! This is meant to be fun! It is also designed to be informative, helpful, and entertaining. We'll all be learning together. Hopefully, we will all grow as women through this project. Those of us who are participating are doing so because we have an interest in at least some of the topics mentioned. Some were not given the opportunity to study these things in school and wish that these things had been included in our basic education.
Going through the finishing school will be sort of like joining a club of women who enjoy doing the same things you do -- sort of as if you decided you wanted to take a class in photography or cake making or join a garden club. The classes are designed to that you can glean from them what you desire and apply them as you see fit. Take away from this what is helpful to you, and don't worry about the rest!!
4) When will we start?
Towards the end of June. If you miss classes due to summer travel, you can always catch up on the Finishing School Blog page. If we have enough demand, we will either repeat the classes in the fall or do something else along these same lines.
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