Monday, July 31, 2006

Welcome to my little corner on the web.

Solomon said, "Of the making of books, there is no end. (Ecclesiastes 12:12) What would he say about blogs! It seems to me that they are almost as numerous as the stars. So, why am I adding one more little bit of pavement to the information highway?

I am a born writer. Happily, I can say that I am a professional wordsmith. Even if I never made a dime from this great love, however, I would still produce words. A born writer will scribble about any topic, via any medium, and at any time of day or night. I've even been known to jot ideas on napkins.

So, we've established that I love to write. But, we still haven't answered the more important question: why would you like to read what I've written?

Hopefully, you and I have something in common. We love our homes, and we love to write and to read about topics related to home-keeping. I, myself, have been married for nearly twenty-six years to a wonderful husband, and I am the happy mother of two grown children and the happy mother-in-law of a young man.

Through the years I've been a mother at home, I've been blessed by the friendship of many wonderful women, who have taught me a lot about following Christ, as well as tending to my home. I hope to pass on some of the inspiration and practrical help that I've received.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Hi Sophie,

It's great to hear from a fellow chiclette!

Our anniversary is November 29, 1980 -- very close to yours. I'm looking forward to grandchildren. How delightful that you have 6! My daughter just married in June, and, if the Lord wills, wedding bells will be ringing for my son within the year.

Let me know how your tea cozy comes out.
